Action card AI assistant

  1. Add the current Action Card to the prompt as one of the examples of the expected output.
  2. If checked, then instead of a single section, an entire Action Card will be generated. The general structure of the current Action Card will be preserved, but the assessment options and form questions will be generated anew.
Your session has expired.
You have logged out.
You should be logged in to perform this action.
Cannot reconnect automatically.
Your data entered on this page will be preserved.
Cannot contact the server. Check your internet connection or try again later
Calling {{}}…
Call from {{}}
Call from {{}}
Pick up
No settings are available at the moment
Start call
Audience ({{conferenceModel.otherConnectionsCount}})
Waiting for other users to connect...
No items found
Audience ({{conferenceModel.otherConnectionsCount}})
Waiting for other users to connect...
No items found
Waiting for other users to connect...
Presentation is online
No settings are available at the moment
Call is online. Join the call? {{lastCallInfo}} Call is offline
The host has disconnected
Call is online. Join the call? {{lastCallInfo}} Call is offline
Call is online {{lastCallInfo}} Call is offline
Active speakers
Show more
No items found
Next speaker
Become host
Next speakers ({{conferenceModel.queuedMembers.length}})
Show more
No items found
(connected: {{conferenceModel.spectatorsCount}}; ready: {{upToDateMembersPercentage}})
Attendees ({{conferenceModel.spectatorsCount}})
Show more
Waiting for other participants...
No items found
{{cameraError || resources.embeddedVideoCall_CameraIsOffMessage}}
Audio Quality: {{preCallTestResult.audioQuality}}
Video Quality: {{preCallTestResult.videoQuality}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.conferenceHeaderLabel || 'Video conference in'}} {{conferenceModel.objectName}}
{{cameraError || resources.embeddedVideoCall_CameraIsOffMessage}}
Audio Quality: {{preCallTestResult.audioQuality}}
Video Quality: {{preCallTestResult.videoQuality}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.leaveCallButtonLabel || resources.embeddedVideoCall_leaveCallPopup_leaveCall}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.terminateCallButtonLabel || resources.embeddedVideoCall_leaveCallPopup_stopCall}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.terminateCallButtonLabel || resources.embeddedVideoCall_leaveCallPopup_stopCall}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.leaveCallButtonLabel || resources.embeddedVideoCall_leaveCallPopup_leaveCall}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.leaveCallButtonLabel || resources.embeddedVideoCall_leaveCallPopup_leaveCall}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.terminateCallButtonLabel || resources.embeddedVideoCall_leaveCallPopup_stopCall}}
{{conferenceModel && conferenceModel.customLabels.leaveCallButtonLabel || resources.embeddedVideoCall_leaveCallPopup_leaveCall}}